Field report: Transparanoid Rouen, France Night
Brother One: We tasted the very ground where the beast was burned and slept on the spot where blood runs uphill! Meditated on an area of such despicable hoodoo that we were rendered shaken and queasy. I can't eat.
Other Brother:
They used a human for bait! Like dough on a hook for a friggin' carp! The priest thought that by using a criminal, it was O.K. Picked him out of the dungeon and tied him up. It friggin' ate the guy before the villagers tore it apart.
Brother One:
The dragon had been tormenting the villagers for months, and the dirty little French buggers were waiting for it. As the monster munched on the thief, they came at it from all sides-sliced and diced it and fucked it up. They called it "La Gargouille".[ book of days | day 1 | day 2 | day 3 | day 5 | day 8 | day 11 ]