"Take seat," said The Wizard, not wasting a second. "Show me work."
As she looked at my stuff, she must have taken a dozen phone calls and
talked to ten different people on her staff all at the same time. I
can't figure out if people are like this because they're busy or if
they're busy because they just can't handle the terror of either a
moment's silence or the frightening intimacy of dealing with a single
human being at once.
I was a little worried because I couldn't understand how this Petra
chick could have possibly focused on my book with all those
distractions. But she must have, because she closed it with a bang and
looked me right in the eye.
"Is great!" she said. "When do you start?" At first I thought she was
"I never make joke," Petra the Great told me. "I see many many
portfolio and this one is so fresh! Happening! Brilliant!!"
I sat there thinking, "This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever
heard in my life. You must be insane, lady, because this portfolio is
OK but it's not butter, and if you think I'm going to work in your
Fascist pig organization for even one second you've got another thing
Uh, thanks," is what I said. "Is Monday too soon?"